Modified Duties, Delayed Tenure Review, and Reduced Appointments (Tenure Track)
Modified Duties, Delayed Tenure Review, and Reduced Appointments
Childbirth, New Parenting, and Adoption
UM and UMSI aspire to be a family-friendly environment. There are a variety of mechanisms in place that faculty in all tracks (tenure, research, clinical, lecturer) can use to focus on family care issues in a variety of context.
Maternity Leave
UM offers paid maternity leave to the birthing individual in all faculty tracks. See Standard Practice Guide SPG 201.30-6 Paid Maternity (Childbirth) and Parental Leaves for full information.
Parental Leave
UM offers paid parental leave to new parents (childbirth or adoption) in all faculty tracks. See Standard Practice Guide SPG 201.30-6 Paid Maternity (Childbirth) and Parental Leaves and the LEO Agreement Article XXXII Section D Parental Accommodation Policy for full information.
Modified Duties
Modified duties are an option for tenure track, research, and clinical faculty who need a period of time to adjust to the demands of parenting newly born or adopted children under the age of six and to bond with these children. It is also an option for lecturers III and IV who have been employed for at least two years. Modified duties can be taken in conjunction with Maternity leave. Modified duties can only be taken in lieu of Parental Leave.
For tenure track, clinical, and lecturers III and IV, modified duties will entail an exemption from teaching for one term without a reduction in pay. However, for research faculty, faculty members with atypical teaching loads, or administrative responsibilities, other arrangements will be made on a case-by-case basis. Modified duties must begin within twelve months of the date of the relevant birth or adoption.
Modified duties do not delay any tenure or other review review process, i.e., "stop the clock." If a delay in any type of review is needed, see the section on Delaying Review below. All faculty can take both modified duties and delay a review.
For Tenure Track, Research, and Clinical Faculty, see Standard Practice Guide SPG 201.93 Modified Duties for New Parents. Lecturers should refer to the LEO Agreement Article XXXIII Modified Duties for New Parents.
In recognition of the effects pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions can have on an individual, a woman who bears one or more children shall, upon written request to the Associate Dean for Faculty, be granted a one-semester period of modified duties for each birth. In general, this will entail exemption from teaching for the term of modified duties without a reduction in pay. However, for faculty members with atypical teaching loads or administrative responsibilities, other arrangements may be made on a case by case basis. In either case, a period of modified duties must begin within twelve months of the date of the relevant birth.
Dependent Care/Parental Leave:
A faculty member who becomes a parent (including newly adopted children under the age of six) or experiences the critical illness of his/her partner, child, or parent, is entitled, upon written request to the Associate Dean for Faculty, to a one-semester period of modified duties for dependent care. In general, this will entail a one-semester exemption from teaching. If the request is due to the birth or adoption of a child(ren), the period of modified duties must be taken within twelve months of the relevant birth(s) or adoption(s). The details of how this will be implemented, however, will depend on the specifics of the faculty member’s teaching duties and other responsibilities. Furthermore, in cases of the birth or adoption of a child(ren) and as required in SPG 201.93, to be eligible for modified duties related to dependent care, “the faculty member must take significant and sustained care-giving responsibility for the child (or children) during the period for which modified duties are requested as a single parent or, where there are two parents, that is at least as time-consuming as the care-giving responsibility of the faculty member’s spouse or partner.”
Faculty members who bear a child or children may, upon request, be eligible for both the childbearing and dependent care categories, allowing up to two semesters of modified duties within twelve months of the date of the relevant birth.
Faculty members are encouraged to contact UMSI HR ( with any questions about these policies, including questions of eligibility. A faculty member who wishes to take a period of modified duties should submit a written request to the UMSI HR ( Any request for modified duties must specify the term for which modified duties is being requested and the faculty responsibilities the requestor will continue to perform while on modified duties that term. The request should also indicate and attest to the basis for eligibility under SPG 201.93. All requests will be reviewed by the Associate Dean for Faculty.
Faculty members on modified duties status will typically be expected to fulfill their other professional responsibilities during the period of modified duties, including responsibilities for which the faculty member is uniquely qualified, such as advising doctoral candidates.
See also SPG 201.93, “Modified Duties for New Parents” for a related University policy.
Parental leaves are 6 weeks and have release from all duties
Modified duties are for the whole term and often still have some work expectations.
Birth Mothers often take the 6 weeks of maternity (sometimes + 2 weeks of ESF if its a difficult birth or C section) plus up to 2 terms of modified duties.
Delaying Reviews ("Stopping the Clock")
Tenure Track Faculty
An untenured tenure-track faculty member may request a delay in the tenure review “stopping the clock” in recognition of the demands of caring for their newly born or adopted child, due to an illness of the faculty member or his/her partner, child, or parent, or other major family disruption. Delaying the tenure review is done on a one -year basis and can be done for a maximum of two years. Faculty who benefit from this policy are expected to fulfill their normal teaching and service responsibilities during the time the tenure review is delayed unless they have been also granted a period of modified duties or unless other arrangements have been made.
Delay of the tenure review is available to a faculty member who has at least co-equal caregiving responsibilities for his/her critically ill partner, child, or parent; or who is critically ill. Events occurring in the final year of a faculty member’s tenure probationary period (normally, year 6 of the appointment) may not be the basis for a request for application of this policy. All requests under the policy must be made before April 1 of the year in which the tenure review is to begin in the fall.
An eligible faculty member may delay the tenure review by one year for each newly born or adopted child, up to a maximum of two years. If the parents are co-equal caregivers and both are eligible to delay the tenure review under this policy, they may both delay the tenure review for one year for the same child. Each delay must be for a one-year period. Regardless of the combination of circumstances or of the policy under which the review is delayed, two years is the maximum delay, and in any event the delay may not extend beyond a total of eight years of service unless explicitly approved in writing by the Provost.
A faculty member who receives two delays of the tenure review and is not awarded tenure may be appointed for a terminal year to a non-tenure track position if such appointment is explicitly approved by the Provost in writing.
A faculty member who wishes to request a delay in the tenure review should submit a written request to the Associate Dean for Faculty. The request should state the reasons for a delay of the tenure review, the academic year for which this relief is requested, and any other relevant information.
See also SPG 201.92, “Tenure Clock Probationary Period: Effects on Tenure Clock of Childbearing and Dependent Care Responsibilities”, for a related University policy. Provost guidelines.
Clinical faculty may request an extension of the review period in recognition of the demands of caring for their newly born or adopted children, due to an illness of the faculty member or his/her partner, child, or parent, or other major family disruption. Delaying the tenure review is done on a one -year basis and can be done for a maximum of two years.
Faculty who benefit from this policy are expected to fulfill their normal teaching and service responsibilities during the time the tenure review is delayed unless they have been also granted a period of modified duties or unless other arrangements have been made.
A faculty member who wishes to request a delay in the tenure review should submit a written request to the Dean. The request should state the reasons for a delay of the tenure review, the academic year for which this relief is requested, and any other relevant information.
The time to review for lecturers may be extended due to leaves See the Leo Agreement Article IX: Appointments, Major Review, and Renewal.
Faculty who benefit from this policy are expected to fulfill their normal teaching and service responsibilities during the time the tenure review is delayed unless they have been also granted a period of modified duties or unless other arrangements have been made.
Faculty who benefit from this policy are expected to fulfill their normal teaching and service responsibilities during the time the tenure review is delayed unless they have been also granted a period of modified duties or unless other arrangements have been made.
A faculty member who wishes to request a delay in the tenure review should submit a written request to the Dean. The request should state the reasons for a delay of the tenure review, the academic year for which this relief is requested, and any other relevant information.
Research Faculty
Research faculty may request an extension of the review period in recognition of the demands of caring for their newly born or adopted children, due to an illness of the faculty member or his/her partner, child, or parent, or other major family disruption. Delaying the tenure review is done on a one -year basis and can be done for a maximum of two years.
Faculty who benefit from this policy are expected to fulfill their normal teaching and service responsibilities during the time the tenure review is delayed unless they have been also granted a period of modified duties or unless other arrangements have been made.
A faculty member who wishes to request a delay in the tenure review should submit a written request to the Dean. The request may also have to be approved by the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR). The request should state the reasons for a delay of the tenure review, the academic year for which this relief is requested, and any other relevant information.
Reduced Appointment
Any faculty member may request a reduction of their appointment for personal or scholarly reasons. Taking a reduced appointment means that a faculty member reduces his or her appointment to half or three-quarter-time status (with a proportionate reduction in pay) for a maximum period of two years. This will also affect benefits and promotion.
Faculty on a reduced appointment may have reduced classroom teaching and service responsibilities, to be negotiated with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs but obligations should be consistent with a proportional (50% or 75%) appointment.
Note: Per SPG 201.13, any reduction in appointment below 80% automatically stops the tenure time period. Per SPG 201.13, II.B., Changes in Appointment of Service. Any change in title, rank, appointment fraction, or service that stops or starts the accumulation of University-wide Bylaw 5.09 time requires the prior written approval of the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
A reduced appointment is available to a faculty member who becomes a parent and has at least co-equal care-giving responsibilities for an infant, child, partner or parent requiring time-consuming care. In the instance of a reduced appointment related to the addition of a child to the family, the reduced appointment must begin within one year of a child joining the family. If both new parents are eligible to take a reduced appointment under this policy, both may take a reduced appointment in connection with the arrival of the same child. Events occurring in the final year of a faculty member’s tenure probationary period (normally year 6 of the appointment) may not be the basis for a request for application of this policy. All requests under this policy must be made before April 1 of the year in which the tenure review is to begin in the fall.
Regardless of the combination of circumstances or of the policy under which the time is excluded, two years is the maximum period that may be excluded from the countable years of service. Thus, faculty who elect to use this policy may not also exclude time under SPG 201.92 described above, if to do so would extend the probationary period by more than two years. Faculty on a reduced appointment under this policy may not be employed outside the University during the periods of reduced appointment except for consulting consistent with the University policy on consulting.
A faculty member who receives two delays of the tenure review and is not awarded tenure may be appointed for a terminal year to a non-tenure track position.
A faculty member who wishes to take a reduced appointment should submit a written request to the Associate Dean for Faculty. The request should state the reason for a reduced appointment, the academic year for which this relief is requested, and any other relevant information. The Associate Dean for Faculty will obtain permission from the office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, and notify the faculty member and department chair when approved.