Grading Scales and Norms
Grading Scales and Norms
Grading in Individual Classes
Course syllabi should include the grading policies and scales for a class.
Grades Required for Degree Conferral
To earn an undergraduate degree at the University of Michigan School of Information, a student must achieve a minimum grade average of C (2.0).
To earn a graduate degree at the University of Michigan School of Information, a student must achieve a minimum grade average of B (3.0).
Grading Scales and Norms
The UMSI doctoral program follows Rackham’s grading scale, which is a 4.3 scale. The masters and undergraduate programs follow a standard 4.0 grading scale.
Your course syllabus should include information about how students will be evaluated (including the grading scale), any weighting of assignments, exams, and class participation in the determination of the student’s grade. The UM Center for Research on Learning and Teaching has some information on preparing your course syllabus that may be useful.
UMSI strives to provide an academic program that is academically rigorous, with high expectations. While most students have an A- or B+ average, faculty should grade according to performance, even if that means giving a student a B, C, or D in a course. The A+ is rarely given and is reserved for particularly excellent work.
Letter Grades
The method of grading graduate students is the letter grade system (A, B, C, D, E) as well as S (Satisfactory) and U (Unsatisfactory), except for special courses as noted below. Undergraduate students also use the letter grade system, as well as P (Pass) and F (Fail). Courses in which grades of E or U are earned cannot be used in fulfillment of degree requirements. In all UMSI programs (PhD, MADS, MHI, MSI) courses in which a D+, D, D-, or E grades are earned do not count for degree credit. In the BSI, courses in which grades D+, D, and D- grade are earned do not count for SI credit, but will still count towards the overall UM degree. A grade of E earns honor points but does not earn credit. Indications of + and - may be given to undergraduate or graduate students whenever such fineness of discrimination is possible.
Grading Scale and Interpretation
A+ 4.0 (4.3 for PhD students) Extraordinary achievement. Rarely given.
A 4.0 Consistently distinguished performance in all course aspects, such qualities as analytical ability, creativity, and originality are exhibited at a very high level.
A- 3.7 Strong, solid achievement in most aspects of the work.
B+ 3.3 Good performance. Consistent with performance expected of students in a graduate degree program.
B 3.0 Acceptable.
B- 2.7 Borderline.
C+ 2.3 Poor performance. This is a marginal grade which alerts students to their limited performance.
C 2.0 Very poor performance.
C- 1.7 Minimal. Performance not at a graduate student level. Student should review his/her progress in the program with the assistant dean for academic affairs.
D-E Failure. If in required course, it must be repeated
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
D- 0.7
E 0.0
Letter Grades and Points
The method of grading graduate students is the letter-grade system (A, B, C, D, E), except for special courses as noted below. Courses in which grades of “D,” “E,” or “U” are earned cannot be used in fulfillment of degree requirements. Grades of + and – may be given to graduate students.
Satisfactory (S) and Unsatisfactory (U) grades for Graduate Students only
At UMSI, “S” and “U” grades are primarily used only for credit-based internships, doctoral courses SI 990 and SI 995, a few specific courses, and with faculty approval, for independent studies. Independent studies are given a letter grade unless S/U grading is requested by the student and approved by the instructor.
When S/U grading is used, "S" means that the student has achieved a level of performance that the instructor regards as satisfactory at the level of the course. Conventionally, this means that the student would have earned a "B" or better in a graduate level course (500 and above), or a "C-" or better in an undergraduate course (4xx or lower). "U" grades are assigned when the student does not meet this criterion. No honor points are generated by the earning of either an "S" or a "U" grade, and such grades are not calculated in a student's grade point average. "S" grades count toward the minimum credit hour requirements of a UMSI student's degree program and "U" grades do not.
Pass (P) and Fail (F) grades for Undergraduate Students only
At UMSI, “P” and “F” grades are only used for credit-based internships.
When P/F grading is used, "P" means that the student has achieved a level of performance that the instructor regards as passing at the level of the course. Conventionally, this means that the student would have earned a C- or better in an undergraduate course. "F" grades are assigned when the student does not meet this criterion.
Grade of incomplete (I)
Incomplete (I) Grades for Residential Students (BSI, MHI, MSI, and PhD)
A grade of Incomplete should be assigned to a residential student (BSI, MHI, MSI, PhD) if the unfinished part of the student's work is no more than 50% of assigned coursework, the unfinished work is reviewed and approved by the instructor, and the student's standing in the course is "B" grade or higher for residential graduate students, or "C" or higher for undergraduate students. Any time an “I” grade is issued, a residential student should fill out the Residential Incomplete Grade Form. They will need to upload a copy of the course instructor's written approval of this request, including agreement of the work to be completed and the deadline for submission.
The student and the instructor should discuss a schedule for completing the remaining work prior to conferral of an "I" and submitting the Residential Incomplete Grade Form. Grades of Incomplete can be changed to letter grades only if the incomplete work is made up by the end of the fourth full term (about 12 months) beyond the term for which the grade of "I" is given (regardless of enrollment status in subsequent terms and including the spring-summer term). The grade point average will continue to be based on hours of completed work.
Incomplete (I) Grades for Online Students (MADS)
A grade of Incomplete (I) should be assigned to a MADS student if the student participated in the course past the standard MADS drop/add deadline (seven days after the course begins), is not able to complete the course within the session, and has requested a grade of Incomplete.
A request for an Incomplete can be approved by the course instructor or the MADS Academic Advising Team. When an Incomplete is assigned, the student must complete the MADS Incomplete Request Form. After the form is submitted, an academic advisor will partner with the student to create a plan for resolution of the Incomplete, typically through placement and participation in the course in a future session. The MADS Academic Advising Team will notify the course instructor when a student’s request for an Incomplete is approved so that an “I” can be submitted as the student’s final course grade.
An “I” grade can be changed to a letter grade only if the Incomplete is resolved within one year (12 months) from the end of the term in which the course was started, regardless of the student’s subsequent enrollment status. If an “I” remains on a student’s record after that point, it becomes a Lapsed Incomplete, or a permanent “I” grade, and credit can only be earned by retaking the course under a new registration.
An “I” grade is not calculated into the student’s term or cumulative GPA. The grade point average is based on credit hours of completed work.
For additional information, please refer to the MADS Student Handbook.
No Report (NR) Grades:
A grade of No Report (NR) should be assigned when:
A student never attended/participated in the class
A student stopped attending/participating in the class before the end of the term/session, but has not dropped the class or requested an Incomplete
A Last Date of Participation is required for NR grades on the grade roster. Participation/attendance for enrollment and financial aid purposes is defined in the Credit Hour Policy for UMSI.
Deadline for Submitting Final Course Grades
Grades are due 72 hours after the scheduled final exam time for the course. It is critical that instructors submit their grades on time; missing grades cause problems for graduating seniors, may impact a student's ability to receive financial aid, and students needing grades posted for a variety of other reasons, including end-of-term review for academic standing.
NOTE: MADS grade rosters do not get generated until the Friday after the session closes. Faculty should be able to enter grades on that Friday afternoon or Saturday morning.
Posting Grades
Never post grades in public places to protect each student’s right to privacy. Please refer to the Office of the Registrar web site at
Grading Features in Canvas
It is valuable to understand the options for using Canvas, and important to be accurate in any grading for students done in Canvas. This is especially important for any weighted grading as students often interpret the grades in Canvas as reflective of their actual grade in the course.
Weighting course grades in Canvas based on assignment groups
Submitting Grades in Wolverine Access
Course grades are submitted via the Internet by course instructors, GSIs, or another designee. Detailed information is available at This helpful resource shows the step by step instructions for entering AND approving grades, pay close attention to steps 6 & 7.