Hiring and Appointment  Processes for Graduate Students

Hiring and Appointment Processes for Graduate Students 

Graduate Students Assistants

At the University of Michigan, we have Graduate Student Assistants (GSAs). Within this body of GSAs, there are graduate student instructors (GSIs), graduate student staff assistants (GSSAs), and graduate student research assistants (GSRAs). GSIs and GSSAs are in the GEO union. GSRAs are not in the union. GSAs are reappointed every term (four months at a time). 

For all employment, payroll, benefits, retirement, and hiring issues please see contact the UMSI HR Office at umsi.human.resources@umich.edu.

GSI Assignments and Hiring:

Prior to the Fall and Winter terms, GSI assignments for UMSI doctoral students are organized through UMSI HR and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, in consultation with faculty.  Typically, a class qualifies for one GSI for every 50 students enrolled in a lecture or seminar course, or 40 in a studio course as defined by the course proposal.  Course instructors will be notified by UMSI HR if they qualify for a GSI.

Depending on the number of doctoral students available to GSI, faculty may have to hire students not in the doctoral program (e.g. in the MSI & MHI programs) to be a GSI for their course. UMSI HR will contact faculty to prepare the job posting for non-doctoral students to apply to. Per the GEO Union contract, UMSI is required to post GSI positions for 14 days. Once the posting period has ended, UMSI HR will provide the applicant's resumes to the faculty. Once a candidate has been selected, HR will provide a contingent offer, ensure the student's eligibility and begin the hiring process. This may include the student having to go through a background check. 

Fraction Calculations:

Per the GEO contract, Fraction Calculation Forms should be provided to GSIs each term for the course they are teaching. These forms help define expectations about work hours and responsibilities.  From an HR perspective at UMSI, and because our GSIs are normally half-time, the ultimate goal is to get to an average of approximately 20 hours per week for the employment period (which is different than the number of weeks in a term). These are just estimated hours and could vary, but an average of 20 hours per week is what we expect of nearly all GSIs per course and this equates to a 50% appointment for the term. The fraction calculation form must be signed by the faculty hiring the GSI or GSSA. GSIs should not exceed working an average of 20 hours per week.  If you find they are working more, please consult with UMSI HR. 

Note:  International students here on a visa cannot work more than 20 hours per week while in class. Working above 20 hours per week could jeopardize their visa status.

If you are supervising GSIs, please read this GEO Contract Summary Document. To ensure our continued compliance with the Agreement, UMSI HR is also making this document available to Employee supervisors and to all Faculty appointed to courses that employ Graduate Student Instructors.

Graduate Student Instructional Aides

Instructional Aides are *not* the same as GSIs or Lecturers.   Instructional Aides are temporary employees whose hours should fluctuate as needs change.  They can be utilized to assist with preparing materials, help with access to course materials, and grading assignments.   See the Teaching Support page for more information.

GSRA Hiring Process:

Faculty will receive an email from UMSI HR requesting information about whom they wish to hire as a GSRA for the coming term, if anyone. GSRAs can be hired using various types of funds but the costs may vary (see below). Non-UMSI students can be hired in UMSI as GSRAs as well.

It is critically important to get GSRA hiring information to staff as soon as possible. You can email the information to umsi.human.resources@umich.edu. HR will need to know the following information:

Note:  GSRAs that are new to working as a GSA may need a background check if they have not had one in the past.

Since UMSI HR reappoints these students every four months, it is critical to get the paperwork into central HR (which is different from UMSI HR) on time so that students do not lose their benefits, receive their stipend on time, and ensure their tuition gets paid. When tuition is not paid the university will put a hold on their account. When a hold is on a student's account, it prohibits them from taking action on many normal student activities (e.g. registering, receiving an official transcript, the ability to rent apartments, obtain a Visa to travel on the University's behalf for business purposes, etc.). Due to these reasons, it is extremely important that UMSI HR get the students appointed on time.

The cost of a GSRA is set by the University every August and listed hereUMSI Finance has also kindly put together the costs of a GSRA on a one-page document. Please reach out to umsi.finance@umich.edu if you have any questions related to the costs of a GSA. 

Note:  School of Public Health and Engineering students' costs are slightly more because the tuition is higher (unless they're funded on a sponsored account).

GSRAs are typically appointed at  50% effort but a GSRA who holds a 25% or greater appointment fraction throughout not less than an entire academic term is eligible for a tuition waiver which eliminates the appointee's responsibility for tuition payment for that term. GSRAs can also be appointed up to 100% effort with the Program Director's approval (please consult the PhD Student Handbook for more information). 

Note:  During the school year, international students here on a visa cannot work more than 20 hours per week while in class. Working above 20 hours per week could jeopardize their visa status.