Faculty Annual Review/Report (FAR)

Faculty Annual Review/Report (FAR)

All faculty members in the tenure, research, clinical, adjunct clinical, and lecturer tracks must submit a Faculty Annual Review/Report (FAR). The only exceptions are faculty who completed another more intensive review process during the current academic year (e.g., third year review or promotion review for tenure-track and clinical faculty or interim, major or continuing reviews for Lecturers), and faculty in the categories of Intermittent Lecturers and 0% effort Research Investigators. 

The annual review/report materials are generally due in April of each year and cover the preceding June 1 through May 31.  Reports will be submitted via a Google Form that will be sent to faculty in an email from the Associate Dean for Faculty.  The Google Form will mirror the templates at the bottom of this page.

The annual review materials are used by the Dean and Associate Deans to assess faculty activity, progress toward individual and school goals, and teaching and professional impact. FARs are also a mechanism for providing feedback to faculty, and for communication between faculty and the Dean and Associate Deans. Merit raises are determined in part through this evaluation.

FAR Templates 

For tenure track, research, and (all) clinical track faculty, please use this Tenure, Research, Clinical Track FAR template.*

For intermittent/adjunct lecturer faculty, please use this Intermittent/Adjunct Faculty FAR template.*

For lecturer I - IV, please use this Lecturers I - IV FAR template.*